Cara Tillman

Photo of Cara Tillman biting into a hot dog at a casual restaurant.

What’s your name and where do you live?
Cara Tillman. Austin, Texas.

What are you usually doing when you listen to TBTL?
Oh, you know, the yoozh: driving, puttering, cooking, rabble rousing.

If you could have any job or profession in the world, what would it be?
Nail polish shade naming consultant

What’s the nicest compliment anyone’s ever paid you?
Sometimes people compliment my speaking voice, and occasionally they guess (correctly) that I'm a singer based on my speaking voice, and that fills me with joy. I promise it's not because I move through the world chirping like a Disney princess, not that there's anything wrong with that.

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? 
X-Files. I regret throwing away my Mulder tee years ago.

What’s your secret shame food?
I try not to think of food as shameful, but it's Taco Bell, forever and always.

What’s your favorite TBTL audio drop?
"A cat is an angel that poops in a box."

What piece of clothing have you owned the longest?
A Beatles “Rubber Soul” tee I bought at Hastings Books & Music in high school.

How do you describe TBTL to others?
I still don't know how to explain it. I just tell folks it's two people shooting the shit and I've been listening five days a week since 2009ish and they marvel and then back away slowly.

What song would you choose to end an episode of TBTL?
Kodachrome by Paul Simon

Can other Tens find you on social media?
@caralizzz @movingpanoramas and @davidisraelband on Instagram


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